Kensaku Tamaki: Main Pulications
D. Curewitz, K. Okino, M. Asada, B. Baranov, E. Gusev and K. Tamaki, Structural analysis of fault populations along the oblique ultra-slow spreading Knipovich Ridge, North Atlantic Ocean, 74°30'N-77°50'N Atlantic Ocean, J. Structural Geology, 32, 727-740, 2010.
Honsho, C., T. Ura, K. Tamaki, K. Nagahashi, H. Shibazaki, and Y. Hosoi, Deep-sea magnetic survey using autonomous underwater vehicle r2D4 on Beyonnaise Knoll Caldera, BUTSURI-TANSA, 63(5) , 427-435, 2010
Honsho, C., J. Dyment, K. Tamaki, M. Ravilly, H. Horen, and P. Gente, Magnetic structure of a slow spreading ridge segment: Insights from near-bottom magnetic measurements on board a submersible, Jour. Geophys. Res. v. 114, B05101, doi:10.1029/2008JB005915, 2009
Kawagucci, S., K. Okamura, K. Kiyota, D. Connelly, C. Boulart, A. Poonyth, T. Ura, U. Tsunogai, Y. Sano, K. Tamaki, T. Gamo, “Geochemical characterization of newly discovered hydrothermal methane plumes over the Central Indian Ridge, 18-20S “ Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 9, Q10002, doi:10.1029/2008GC002082, 2008.
Tsuru, T., A. Okuda, T. No, Y. Kaneda, K. Tamaki, Subsurface structure of the Myojin Knoll pumiceous volcano obtained from multichannel seismic reflection data, Earth Planets Space, 60606060, 721-726, 2008.
Nakamura, K., Y. Kato, K. Tamaki, and T. Ishii, Geochemistry of hydrothermally altered basaltic rocks from the Southwest Indian Ridge near the Rodriguez Triple Junction. Marine Geology, 239, 125-141, 2007.
Sauter, D., V. Mendel, C. Rommevaux-Jestin, L. M. Parson, H. Fujimoto, C. Mevel, M. Cannat, and K. Tamaki, Focused magmatism versus amagmatic spreading along the ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge: Evidence from TOBI side schonshon sonar imagery, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 5, 2004
Hahma, D., C. F. Postlethwaiteb, K. Tamaki, Kima, K-R., Mechanisms controlling the distribution of helium and neon in the Arctic seas: the case of the Knipovich Ridge, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 229, 125-139, 2004.
Thu, M.-K., K. Tamaki, S. Kuramoto, R. Tada, and S. Saito, High-resolution seismic stratigraphy of the Yamato Basin, Japan Sea and its geological Application, The Island Arc, 11, 61-78, 2002.
Okino, K., D. Curewitz, M. Asada, K. Tamaki, P. Vogt, and K. Crane, Segmentation of the Knipovich Ridge implication for focused magmatism and effect of ridge obliquity at an ultraslow spreading system, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 202, 275-288, 2002.
Ren, J., K. Tamaki, S. Li, and Z. Junxia, Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic rifting and its dynamic setting in Eastern China and adjacent areas, Tectonophys., 344, 175-205, 2002.
Sauter, D., L. Parson, V. Mendel, C. Rommevaux-Jestin, O. Gomez, A. Briais, C. Mevel, K. Tamaki, and FUJI scientific team, TOBI sidescan sonar imagery of the very slow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge: evidence for along-axis magma distribution, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 199, 81-95, 2002.
Cherkashev GA, K. Tamaki, B.V.,Baranov K. German, E.A. Gusev, A.V. Egorov, E.A. Zhirnov, K. Crane, D. Kurevits, K. Okino, H. Sato, N.M. Sushchevskaya, The Knipovich Ridge rift zone: Evidence from the Knipovich-2000 expedition, DOKLADY EARTH SCIENCES 378: (4) 420-423 MAY-JUN 2001.
Flower, M.F.J., R.M. Russo, K. Tamaki, and N. Hoang, Mantle contamination and the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) “high-tide mark”: evidence for mantle extrusion caused by Tethyan closure. Tectonophysics, 333, (1-2), pp.9-34, 2001
Fujikura, K., S. S. Kojima, K. Tamaki, Y. Maki, J. Hunt, and T. Okutani, The deepest chemosynthesis-based community yet discovered from the hadal zone. Mar. Ecology Prog. Ser., Vol. 190, pp.17-26, 1999
Kobayashi, K., M. Nakanishi, K. Tamaki, and Y. Ogawa, Outer slope faulting associated with the western Kuril and Japan Trenches. Geophys. J. Int. 134, pp.356-372, 1998
German, C. R., E. T. Baker, C. Mevel, K. Tamaki, and the FUJI Science Team, Hydrothermal activity along the southwest Indian ridge. Nature 395, pp.490-493, 1998
Flower, M.F.J., K. Tamaki, and N. Hoang, Mantle extrusion: a model for dispersed volcanism and DUPAL-like asthenosphere in East Asia and the Western Pacific. In Mantle Dynamics and Plate Interactions in East Asia (ed. M. Flower, C. H. Lo, S. L. Chung, and T. Y. Lee), AGU Geodynamic Series Monograph, Vol. 27, 1998
Masalu, D. C. P., K. Tamaki, and W. W. Sager, Paleomagnetism of the Joban Seamount Chain: its origin and tectonic implications for the Pacific plate, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 102 no. B3, pp.5145-5155, 1997.
Honsho, C., K. Tamaki, and H. Fujimoto, Three-dimensional magnetic and gravity studies of the Rodrigues. Triple Junction in the Indian Ocean., J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, pp.15837-15848, 1996
Tamaki, K., and N. Isezaki, Tectonic synthesis of the Japan Sea based on the collaboration of the Japan-USSR Monograph Project, in Geology and Geophysics of the Japan Sea (Japan-USSR Monograph Series, Vol. 1, ed. N. Isezaki, I. I. Bersenev, K. Tamaki, B. Ya. Karp, and E. P. Lelikov), pp.483-487, Terra Scientific Publishing Company (Terrapub), 1996
Channell, J. T., E. Erba, M. Nakanishi, and K. Tamaki, Late Jurassic- early Cretaceous time scales and oceanic magnetic anomaly block models, geochemistry Time Scales and Global Stratigraphic Correlations, Vol. 22 no.23, pp.51-63, 1995
Rangin, C., E. A. Silver, and K. Tamaki, Closure of western Pacific marginal basins: rupture of the oceanic crust and the emplacement of ophiolite, in Active Margins and Marginal Basins of the Western Pacific (ed. Taylor and Natland), pp.405-417, American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph 88, 1995
West, B. P., H. Fujimoto, C. Honsho, K. Tamaki, and C. Sempere, A three dimensional gravity study of the Rodrguez Triple Junction and Southeast Indian Ridge, Earth Planet, Sci. Lett., Vol. 133, no. 1-2, pp.175-184, 1995
Tamaki, K., Opening tectonics of the Japan Sea, in Backarc Basins: Tectonics and Magmatism, ed. B. Taylor, pp.407-420, Plenum Press, New York, 1995
Sayanagi, K., H. Fujimoto, K. Tamaki, T. Fujiwara, H. Murakami, and K. Minoshima, Development of new versatile deep-sea three-component magnetometer system, J. Japan Soc. Marine Surv.Tech., Vol. 6 no. 2, pp.21-32, 1995
Kobayashi, K., K. Tamaki, M. Nakanishi, J. Korenaga, and Y. Ogawa, Rejuvenation of 130 m.y.-old fabrics on the outer wall of the Kuril Trench, Proc. Japan Acad., Vol. 71, no. B(1), pp.5-9, 1995
Fujiwara, T., K. Tamaki, H. Fujimoto, T. Ishii, N. Seama, H. Toh, K. Koizumi, C. Igarashi, J. Segawa, and K. Kobayashi, Morphological studies of the Ayu Trough, Philippine Sea- Caroline Plate boundary, Geophys. Res, Lett., Vol.22, no. 2, pp.109-112,1995
Jolivet, L., K. Tamaki, and M. Fournier, Japan Sea, opening history and mechanism: a synthesis, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 99, no. B11, pp.22237-22259, 1994
Sayanagi, K., A. Oshida, M. Watanabe, and K. Tamaki, New self-contained deep-towed proton magnetometer system, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., Vol. 46 no. 8, pp.631-642, 1994
Masalu, D. C. P., K. Tamaki, and K. Kobayashi, Paleomagnetism of the seamounts forming the Joban seamount chain in the northwestern Pacific, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., Vol. 45, no. 6, pp.503-534, 1993
Tamaki, K., M. Nakanishi, A. Oshida, and K. Sayanagi, A universal marine geophysical data processing system, Bull. Ocean Res. Inst. Univ. Tokyo, Vol. 30, pp.1-50, 1992
Tamaki, K., K. Suyehiro, J. Allan, J. C. Ingle, and K. A. Pisciotto, Tectonic synthesis and implications of Japan Sea ODP drilling, in Proc. ODP, Sci. Results (ed. K. Tamaki, K. Suyehiro, J. Allan, M. McWilliams, et al.), Vol. 127/128, Pt. 2, pp.1333-1348, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling TAMU), 1992
Nakanishi, M., K. Tamaki, and K. Kobayashi, A new Mesozoic isochron chart of the northwestern Pacific ocean: Paleomagnetic and tectonic implications, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 19, pp.693-696, 1992
Nakanishi, M., K. Tamaki, and K. Kobayashi, Magnetic anomaly lineations from Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous in the west-central Pacific Ocean, Geophys. J. Int., 109, 701-719, 1992.
Langseth, M., and K. Tamaki, Geothermal measurements: thermal evolution of the Japan Sea basins and sediments, in Proc. ODP, Sci. Results (ed. K.
Tamaki, K. Suyehiro, J. Allan, M. McWilliams, et al.), Vol. 127/128 Pt. 2. pp.1297-1309, College Station,TX (Ocean Drilling TAMU), 1992
Kuramoto, S., K. Tamaki, M. G. Langseth, D. C. Nobes, H. Tokuyama, K. A. Pisciotto and A. Taira, Can Opal-A/CT BSR be an indicatio of the thermal structure of the Yamato Basin, Japan Sea?, in Proc. ODP, Sci. Results (ed. K. Tamaki, K. Suyehiro, J. Allan, M. McWilliams, et al.), Vol. 127/128, Pt. 2, pp.1145-1156, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling TAMU), 1992
Kaneoka, I., Y. Takigami, N. Takaoka, S. Yamashita, and K. Tamaki, 40Ar-39Ar analysisof volcanic rocks recovered from the Japan Sea floor: constraints on the formation age of the Japan Sea, in Proc. ODP, Sci. Results (ed. K. Tamaki, K. Suyehiro, J. Allan, M. McWilliams et al.), Vol. 127/128, Pt. 2, pp.819-836, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling TAMU), 1992
Jolivet, L., and K. Tamaki, Neogene kinematics in the Japan Sea region and volcanic activity of the NE-Japan arc, in Proc. ODP, Sci. Results (ed. K. Tamaki, K. Suyehiro, J. Allan, M. McWilliams et al.), Vol. 127/128, Pt. 2, pp.1311-1331, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling TAMU), 1992
Tamaki, K., K. Pisciotto, J. Allan, et al., Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, 127, pp.1-844, 1990
Pisciotto, K., K. Tamaki, et al., First drilling of the oceanic crust in the Japan Sea; preliminary results of the ODP Leg 127, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Vol. 311, pp.837-844, 1990
Park, C. H., K. Tamaki, and K. Kobayashi, Age-depth correlation of the Philippine Sea back-arc basins and other marginal basins in the world, Tectonophys., Vol. 181, pp.351-371, 1990
Tamaki, K., Progress of the study of the sea-floor spreading, J. Geography, Vol. 98, pp.7-16, 1989 (in Japanese with English abstract)
Pisciotto, K., K. Tamaki et al., Exploring the Japan Sea, Geotimes, 1989
Nakanishi, M., K. Tamaki, and K. Kobayashi, Mesozoic magnetic anomaly lineations and seafloor spreading history of the northwestern Pacific, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 94, pp.15437-15462, 1989
Kobayashi, Y., and K. Tamaki, Origin of the ocean floor, Kagaku (Science), Vol. 59, pp.388-401, 1989 (in Japanese)
Tamaki, K., and R. L. Larson, The Mesozoic tectonic history of the Magellan microplate in the western central Pacific, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 93, pp. 2857-2874, 1988
Tamaki, K., Geological structure of the Japan Sea and its tectonic implications, Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan, Vol. 39, pp. 269-365, 1988
Nishimura, K., K. Tamaki, and K. Yorimitsu, Development of the programmable TVG-TVF seismic profiler, Exploration Geophysics, Vol. 19, pp. 125-128, 1988
Tamaki, K., Tectonics of Mid-oceanic ridge, Kagaku (Science), Vol. 57, pp. 276-286, 1987 (in Japanese)
Tokuyama, H., Suyemasu, K. Tamaki, E. Nishiyama, S. Kuramoto, K. Suyehiro, H. Kinoshita, and A. Taira, Report on DELP 1985 cruise in the Japan Sea part III: Seismic reflection studies in the Yamato Basin Yamato Rise area, Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst. Univ. Tokyo, Vol. 62, pp.367-390, 1987
Tamaki, K., Age estimation of the Japan Sea on the basis of stratigraphy, basement depth, and heat flow data, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., Vol. 38, pp.427-446, 1986
Kimura, G., and K. Tamaki, Collision, rotation, and back-arc spreading: the case of the Okhotsk and Japan Seas, Tectonics, Vol. 5, pp.389-401, 1986
Tamaki, K., and E. Honza, Incipient subduction and obduction along the eastern margin of the Japan Sea, Tectonophys., Vol. 119, pp.381-406, 1985
Tamaki, K., Two models of back-arc spreading, Geology, Vol. 13, pp.475-478, 1985
Tamaki, K., Recent study of the sea floor around the Japanese islands, Mem. Geol. Soc. Japan, Vol. 25, pp.83-98, 1985 (in Japanese with English abstract)
Kimura, G., and K. Tamaki, Tectonic framework of the Kuril Arc since its initiation, in Formation of Active Ocean Margins (ed. N. Nasu et al.), pp.641-676, Terrapub., Tokyo, 1985
Kimura, G., and K. Tamaki, The Kuril Arc and Kuril Basin-the relationship between rotation of backarc plate and backarc spreading, J. Geopraphy, Vol. 94, pp. 69-83, 1985
Honza, E., and K. Tamaki, The Bonin Arc, in The Ocean Basins and Margins (ed. A. E.M. Nairn et al.), Vol. 7, pp.459-502, Plenum Co., New York, 1985
Uyeda, S., K. Tamaki, and I. Kushiro, Tectonics of eastern margin of Philippine Sea-Mariana Arc and Ogasawara Arc, Kagaku (Science), Vol. 53, pp.439-447, 1983 (in Japanese)
Tamaki, K., M. Yuasa, and E. Honza, Neogene vertical movement of the frontal shelf in the northern Tohoku, CCOP Technical Bull., Vol. 15, pp.65-83, 1982
Tamaki, K., M. Joshima, and R. L. Larson, Reply, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 86, pp. 1102-1103, 1981
Tamaki, K., M. Yuasa, K. Nishimura, and E. Honza, Geological map of the Japan and Okhotsk Seas around Hokkaido, Geol. Surv. Japan Marine Geol. Map Ser., Vol. 14, 1979
Tamaki, K., M. Joshima, and R. L. Larson, Remanent Early Cretaceous spreading center in the Central Pacific Basin, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 84, pp.4501-4510, 1979
Tamaki, K., Geological map off Hachinohe, Geol. Surv. Japan Marine Geol. Map Ser, Vol. 10, 1978