Cruise Experiences
- KH-23-10, Western Phillipine Sea, R/V Hakuho-maru, Geophysical mapping, rock dredge, piston and multiple coring, CTD water sampling
- KH-22−3, Okinawa, R/V Hakuho-maru, Hakuho-maru training cruise , geophysical mapping, rock dredge, piston and multiple coring, CTD water sampling (PI)
- KH-20-6, western Philippine Sea, R/V Hakuho-maru, Early stage of the Philippine Sea evolution , geophysical mapping and rock dredge
- YK18-07, Southern Shikoku Basin, R/V Yokosuka and Shinkai6500, MOWALL-SB: Moho Observation along transform fault WALLs, geophysical mapping and submersible dives at OCC (PI)
- KS-17-16, Southern Okinawa Trough, R/V Shinsei-maru, hydrothermal vent and its geological and tectonic setting, geophysical mapping, rock sampling, and deep-tow chemical sensor, Joint research with National Taiwan University (PI)
- KH-15-5,Central Indian Ridge, R/V Hakuho-maru, Ocean transform fault effects on mid-ocean ridge process and hydrothermal activity along the Central Indian Ridge 13°-18°S, geophysical mapping, deep-tow magnetic survey,rock dredge, CTD hydrocast (PI)
- YK14-16, Irabu and Tarama fields, Okinawa Trough, R/V Yokosuka and AUV Urashima, Scale and origin of hydrothermal systems in the Okinawa Trough, AUV-based acoustic and magnetic studies, AUV geophysical/ goechemical mapping (PI)
- KS-13-T5, Sagami bay and Off-Kashima, R/V Shinsei-maru, Sea Trial
- KH-10-6, Rodriguez Triple Junction, R/V Hakuho-maru and AUV r2D4, Integrated survey around the Kairei hydrothermal field = hydrogen-based ecosystem, AUV geophysical / geochemical mapping, dredge, rock core, CTD tow-yo, plankton net (PI)
- KH-09-5-4, Southwest Indian Ridge, R/V Hakuho-maru, Tectonics of ultra-slow spreading ridge, geophysical mapping and dredges (PI)
- YK09-08, Southerm Mariana Trough, R/V Yokosuka and AUV Urashima, High-resolution, multi-sensor mapping of hydrothermal fields, AUV geophysical mapping (PI)
- KH-06-4, Rodriguez Segment, Central Indain Ridge, R/V Hakuho-maru and AUV r2D4, Hotspot-ridge interaction and hydrothermalism, AUV dives, geophysical mapping
- YK05-16, Rodriguez Triple Junction, R/V Yokosuka and Shinkai6500, Magnetic structure of the CIR core complex and hydrothermal alteration of oceanic crust, Dives, deep-sea magnetometer, geophysical mapping, SHINKAI6500 Dive #927
- KH-05-1-5, Southern Parece Vela Basin and adjacent areas, R/V Hakuho-maru, Lithosphere composition of the Parece Vela Basin and the melt-starved spreading process, dredge, geophsyical mapping (PI)
- KH-05-1-3, Southern Parece Vela Basin, R/V Hakuho-maru, Evolution process of the souther tip of the Parece Vela Basin and Yap arc-trenchsystem, geophysical mapping, MCS, dredge (PI)
- KT-04-14, Shikoku Basin, R/V Tansei-maru, Extinct backarc spreading center, Deep-tow magnetometer and dredge sampling (PI)
- KH-03-3, Parece Vela Basin, R/V Hakuho-maru, Amagmatic backarc spreading in chaotic terrain and giant megamullion, geophysical mapping
- SWIR61-65, Southwest Indian Ridge 61-65E, R/V Marion Dufresne, temporal and spatial variation of ultraslow spreading process, geophysical mapping
- KR03-1, Parece Vela Basin, R/V Kairei, Amagmatic backarc spreading in chaotic terrain and giant megamullion, dredge, geophysical mapping
- KH-02-1 Leg3 "HOT-WATER", Okinawa Trough, R/V Hakuho-maru, Tectonics of backarc rifting, WADATSUMI deep-tow sidescan sonar
- KH-01-3 Leg3, Australia-Antarctic Discordance, R/V Hakuho-maru, geophysical mapping and OBS
- KT-01-11, Japan Trench, R/V Tansei-maru, Sea test of deep-tow proton magnetometer
- CD-127, Central Indian Ridge, RRV Charles Darwin (SOC), Tecotnics of intermediate-spreading ridge and hotspot-ridge interaction, TOBI deep-tow sidescan sonar and rock/water sampling
- KH-00-05 Leg3 "Aden New Century Cruise", Gulf of Aden, R/V Hakuho-maru, Tectonics of young mid-ocean ridge and hotspot-ridge interaction, geophysical mapping, MCS, CTD tow-yo, water/rock sampling
- "Knipovich 2000 (K2K)", Knipovich Ridge, R/V Logachev (VINIO), Tectonics and volcanism in the ultra-slow spreading center, ORE deep-tow sidescan sonar and magnetics
- YK00-01 "STEPS IV", Parece Vela Rift and Central Basin Spreading Center, R/V Yokosuka, Evolution process of marginal basins,mapping and surface/deep-tow magnetics
- KR9910 "STEPS III", Central Basin Spreading Center, R/V Kairei, Evolution process of the West Philippine Basin, geophysical mapping
- ORI557, Huatung Basin, R/V Ocean Research I (Taiwan Ocean Univ.), Evolution of the Huatung Basin, deep-tow magneyic survey
- KR98-12 "STEPS II" , Mariana Trough and Central Basin Spreading Center, R/V Kairei, Tectoncis of active / remnant backarc basin spreading centers, geophysical mapping
- KR98-01 "STEPS I", Central Basin Spreading Center, R/V Kairei, Evolution process of the West Philippine Basin, geophysical mapping
- Off Fukushima, Japan Trench, S/V Syoyo, Sea test of ANKO sidescan sonar
- YK97-04 Leg 1, Parece Vela Rift and Sofugan Tectonic Line, R/V Yokosuka and Shinkai 6500 , Structure of remnant rift, submersible SHINKAI6500 Dive #364
- Okushiri Ridge, Asia-maru, Teconics of the eastern margin of the Japan Sea, IZANAGI sidescan sonar
- N94-03, Okushiri Ridge, R/V Natsushima and Shinkai2000, Teconics of the eastern margin of the Japan Sea, submersible SHINKAI2000 Dive #759
- Japan Trench, S/V Kaiyo), National Earthquake Prediction Research Plan, mapping
- Shikoku Basin, R/V Yokosuka and Shinkai6500, Evolution of the Shikoku Basin, submersible SHINKAI6500 Dive #176
- Okushiri Ridge, S/V Meiyo, after Hokkaido-Nansei-oki earthquake, geophysical mapping and SCS
- Off Akita, Japan Sea, S/V Meiyo), National Earthquake Prediction Research Plan, geophysical mapping and SCS
- Y92-05, Ogasawara Plateau, R/V Yokosuka, Subduction of Oceanic Plateau, submersible SHINKAI6500 Dive #146
- Philippine Sea, S/V Takuyo, Continental Shelf Survey, geophysical mapping and seismic surveys
- Philippine Sea (3 cruises), S/V Takuyo, Continental Shelf Survey, SeaBeam, geophysical mapping, seismic, rock dredge
- Philippine Sea (3 cruises), S/V Takuyo, Continental Shelf Survey, SeaBeam, geophysical mapping, seismic, rock dredge
Updated: 5 December, 2019