Plate Motion Calculator

Plate Motion Calculator calculates the relative and absolute plate motion direction and speed at any point on the earth. The original web-based calculator was developed by K. Tamaki in mid 90's and then has been revised/maintained by K. Okino.

Select plate motion model, plate (or a pair of plates), input latitude and longitude of the point, and then press [Execute calculation] button.

* angular velocity vector of JdF plate is fixed (2021.1.18).

Plate Model

Left: NUVEL-1(A)_____________________________ Right: MORVEL

Moving Plate

Fixed Plate (not used in absolute models)

Latitude [deg] north: positive(+) south: negative (-)

Longitude [deg] east: positive(+) west: negative (-)

References of Models

DeMets, C., R. G. Gordon, D. F. Argus, and S. Stein, Current plate motions, Geophys. J. Int., 101, 425-478, 1990.
(Relative Motion Model, Pacific Plate fixed, 2 m.y. average velocity)
DeMets. C., R. G. Gordon, D. F. Argus, and S. Stein, Effect of recent revisions to the geomagnetic reversal time scale on estimate of current plate motions, Geophys. Res. Lett., vol. 21, no. 20, 2191-2194, 1994.
(Revised version of NUVEL-1, Euler poles are same)
[Note 1] Model parameters for Philippine Sea Plate are based on Seno et al. (JGR, 1993)
[Note 2] Velocities calculated based on NUVEL-1 and NUVEL-1A may be 4.5% and 2% faster than those measured by space geodetic methods by using VLBI/SLR (Gordon, Nature 1993)
DeMets, C., R. G. Gordon, and D. F. Argus, Geologically current plate motions, Geophys. J. Int., 181, 1-80, 2010
(Relative Motion Model, Pacific Plate fixed. New model for 25 tectonic plates, mid-ocean ridge spreading rates and faults azimuths are used to determine the motions of 19 plates, and GPS station velocities and azimuthal data are used for 6 smaller plates with little or no connection to mid-ocean ridges)
DeMets. C., R. G. Gordon, D. F. Argus, and S. Stein, Effect of recent revisions to the geomagnetic reversal time scale on estimate of current plate motions, Geophys. Res. Lett., vol. 21, no. 20, 2191-2194, 1994.
(Absolute Motion Model, No net rotation)
Gripp, A.E., and Gordon, R.G., Young tracks of hotspots and current plate velocities, Geophys. J. Int., 150, 321-361, 2002.
(Absolute Motion Model, hotspot reference frame)
Argus, D.F., Gordon, R.G and DeMets, C. Geologically current motion of 56 plates relative to the no-net rotation reference frame, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems , 12, doi:10.1029/2011GC00375., 2011.
Bird, P. An updated digital model of plate boundaries, Geochemisty, Geophysics, Geosystems, 4, 1027, doi:10.1029/2001GC000252, 2003.
(Absolute Motion Model, No net rotation, for MORVEL 25 plates and Bird(2003)'s 31 plates)

Used Equations

Last revised: 16 January, 2018: bug report to okino at